Wir schließen uns mit BigTime zusammen, um die Nummer 1 unter den PSAs für kleine und mittlere Dienstleistungsunternehmen zu schaffen

To meet the growing list of mission-critical needs of mid-sized professional services firms and become #1 PSA software worldwide, we’ve joined the BigTime family.

Arkadiusz Terpiłowski




Primetric announces being acquired by BigTime


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In the last few years, we have been helping your businesses scale and become more and more profitable. So far, our team has been striving to improve your satisfaction on its own by providing outstanding customer service and hundreds of new features; however, now we will have a partner that will help us do so even more efficiently.

To meet the growing list of mission-critical needs of mid-sized professional services firms and become #1 PSA software worldwide, we’ve joined the BigTime family.

What is BigTime? 

BigTime is an industry-leading platform for time tracking, project management, invoicing, and payments in the United States.

It has over 100 000 users in 3 000 companies, and has been named one of the Inc. 5000 fastest-growing companies in America.

Why are Primetric and BigTime perfect partners? 

As we both excel on our respective markets, we also have the same mission: to provide a best-in-class tool for managing small and medium-sized professional services companies. After being acquired by BigTime, we will have all the means to do this better than ever before, and on a larger scale, powering up your business in the process. 

By combining: 

  • BigTime’s expertise in billing management, invoicing, tracking time and project management,
  • and Primetric’s best-in-class resource and financial planning modules, 

we can create the best tool designed specifically for small and mid-sized professional services companies on the market.

As a result, our solution will be able to address the problems companies might encounter throughout their life cycle, regardless of their size. 

“We are thrilled that our assets will strengthen a company that shares our vision, mission, goals, and values. We both strive to provide our customers with best-in-class features they can use to power up their businesses. We strongly believe that we can do it better by merging the capabilities of our tools”. - says Zbigniew Wantuła, Managing Partner at Primetric.

Additionally, thanks to the acquisition, customers can have all the features they need under one roof. The merger will broaden the scope of services provided by both Primetric and its new partner, giving you all the tools you and your service company may ever need to become bigger and more profitable. 

How can you benefit from merging with BigTime? 

With this huge change comes a large variety of benefits that include: 

New operational features. By integrating Primetric with BigTime, you will receive modules such as: task management, invoicing, and payments and will be able to:

  • Optimize time spent on invoice preparation, while reducing data inconsistency and possible errors,
  • Maximize profits and improve cash flow by streamlining the process of billing their customers, starting from project budget planning, tracking, settling, and finally, invoicing.
  • Reduce costs thanks to addressing operational activities that were not available previously.

Every feature needed for growing service business in a single tool. No need to switch between tools - the aim of the acquisition is to gather all the necessary modules in a single solution. 

Stable solution with stable financing. Thanks to BigTime, our business will be stable as ever, thanks to the financing and experience of the largest PEs in the world, such as Vista Equity Partners, Wavecrest Growth Partners, or Lock 8 Partners.

Combined know-how. By merging our companies, we combine the know-how from the European market, where Primetric is used by leading IT service companies, together with the know-how of BigTime, which is the #1 PSA for SMB PS firms in the US. Therefore, we have more knowledge than ever and we can use it to make our tool better than ever. 

Primetric platform stays the same - but better! 

While we are eager to see the development of our services accelerate, we want to assure you that Primetric will remain unchanged for the time being. The tool will still be developed according to our plans. The process will be supervised by Primetric’s founders, who are to become a part of the management team of the combined business. 

"This acquisition represents a natural fit for both BigTime and Primetric, making us both stronger together. Both companies have been committed to providing cutting-edge solutions tailored to the unique needs of mid-market professional services firms. By joining forces, we broaden our capabilities and offer our customers a unified solution that streamlines complex workflows and drives value across the entire project lifecycle." - said Brian Saunders, Founder and CEO at BigTime Software.

Stay tuned - the future looks bright! 

Still, regardless of the changes we - and you - are about to experience, we are grateful for the unconditional support we have received over the years.

We remain dedicated to providing services companies with exceptional services, and we will continue to do so in our cooperation with BigTime, and beyond. 

Last but not least, we want to remain transparent in our operations and keep you updated at all times.

Therefore, If you have any questions or doubts regarding the acquisition, please feel free to contact your customer success agent or drop us an email at info@primetric.com

Arkadiusz Terpiłowski


Arkadiusz ist Head of Growth und Mitbegründer bei Primetric. Zuvor war Arkadiusz an der Spitze seines eigenen Softwareentwicklungsunternehmens tätig, wo er das operative Geschäft leitete. Er ist ein großer Fan von Prozessverbesserungen und hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Softwareunternehmen auf ihrem Weg zum Wachstum profitabler und effizienter zu machen.

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